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The following three fashions dominated 1960s womenswear: 1)
The ladylike elegance carried over from the previous decade,
worn by people like Jacqueline Kennedy, 2) The playful,
youthful designs made popular by Swinging London, and 3)
The late 1960s hippy trends with an Eastern influence.
There was a change in how women bought and for whom the
styles were designed along with the emergence of these several
Early in the decade, American styles echoed the grace of First
Lady Jacqueline Kennedy. Women additionally wore stiletto
heels, short, boxy outfits with huge buttons, and fitted skirts.
Shifts, which are straightforward, geometric dresses, were
very popular.
Full-skirted evening gowns with low necklines and tight
waistlines were popular for evening wear.
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