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365 Days
 365 Days Originally known as ‘365 DNI’ loaded with intense sex scenes is perfect for your wild mood. This Polish/Italian film follows Sicilian Mafia family boss Massimo and his love, an ordinary woman named Laura who gets kidnapped by Massimo later and given 365 days to fall in love with him. He also ensures he’ll let her go if she doesn’t reciprocate his feelings in a given time.
During the climax she falls for him and tells she doesn’t need 365 days anymore. However, the movie ends with a mystery for next two parts demanding us to think what will happen next or if this is it ? Even after being criticized with saying that it romanticized sexual assault, domestic violence and kidnapping this movie became mega hit. Although according to me it has a lot more than sex it tells how a heartless mobster can also love someone so desperately.
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